Ted’s passion has always been the exploration of Consciousness.
Through teaching, counseling, speaking, and ceremony, Ted shares his evolving understanding of the nature of Consciousness with gentleness and with humor. Ordained in the Reform Jewish tradition, and grounded in ancient Hebrew Wisdom teachings, Ted’s path has evolved into an ongoing personal and professional adventure of personal transformation and spiritual awakening that transcends the limitations of any religious identification. He focuses on the universal Truth of Oneness that is at the heart of all spiritual teachings.
Since early in 2020, Ted has been part of the Anokhi Institute, working with Tovah Zev, a spiritual teacher ordained in the Essene Tradition, to develop programs supporting greater spiritual Awakening. His association with Tovah has helped him deepen his own teaching as he appreciates the need for more focused spiritual practices to support those seriously committed to the journey of Awakening. Tovah Zev’s training in the sacred Hebrew oral Wisdom teachings compliments Rabbi Ted’s rabbinic training and has supported a significant deepening of his work.
Ted is the author of A Journey of Awakening: Kabbalistic Meditations on the Tree of LIfe and co-author, with David Blatner, of Judaism For Dummies. He is co-author, with Imam Jamal Rahman and Pastor Don Mackenzie, of Getting to the Heart of Interfaith (2009), Religion Gone Astray (2011), and Finding Peace Through Spiritual Practice (2016).
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